Community agricultural potentiality

Community River resources potentiality

Central issue in the community for the practicum

Preface (fixed background):

Guli rural community is one of the communities in Guli locality (administrative unit) and is the capital of the locality.  It locates at the northern side of Kosti and Rabak the capital of the White Nile state. It’s about 45 km far from Kosti urban locality.Guli community consider as a conventional community with an approximate total population of 15,000 individuals representing 10 different ethnic groups.

Brief description:

In this community, there are several issues but the focus will be given to the most important issues that will contribute in solving the other issues.

The first issue is lack of community engagement and participation:

Despite the relationships between the community’ members, there still a gap of working together as they are scattered, and facing challenges individually. This applies on both poor and rich community members. There is a clear none-inclusion of poor people, women and youth in the development process of themselves and their community including participation in decent livelihood opportunities, participation decision making in issues affecting them. There is an opportunity of having their community disadvantage segments who need to realize their potentiality of helping themselves when they come together.

Second issue is the poor livelihood situation: (self realization)

Most of the community members are living under the line of poverty and not able to fully satisfy their basic needs, but at the same time they are not aware of how help themselves because they are poor of their abilities (not realizing their self-powers) and not motivated to do so, they mostly unseen and feel not like the others. Living with the feeling of poor increases their potentiality to risks of neglect and severe poverty.

Third, Miss use of available resources:  

Majority of the community are varies from poor and most poor members, living in a community where there are available resources such as River, agricultural lands despite the deterioration of farm lands. All the community natural resources are not used properly and community members prefer to do marginal work instead. 

 Conclusions lead to practicum strategy:

  • Through promotion of income development skills and livelihood diversity a poor person can become an active member in the community. (community initiatives).
  • Willingness to change comes when people come together for change.
  • Poor community members are poor because of what they think and others around them think and that is not real, they definitely rich if they realize their capacities.
  • Every human has the tendency to help and support and that is an opportunity for smart partnerships at different levels, individual, institutional, governmental, local and national.