

  • How many episodes did you listen so far?
  • How were you informed of the show ?
  • If you listened to 3 or more episodes what made you keep listening?
  • How have you benefited thus far?
  • Have you sent forgiveness letter thus far? if yes or no why?
  • Have you refereed anyone to be thanked if no why not?
  • What recommendation do you have?

Results of survey

  • From the 20 listeners we have interviewed 12 of them have listened to between 10-14 episodes, 5 of them listened to between 5-8 episodes. 3 of them listened less than 4 episodes. The first time slot we had was on Sunday 8AM-9am. It was sold by the station & we were given time in the evening from 9pm-11pm. 14 of the listeners mentioned  the change disturbed their schedule as they were use to us in the first time and liked it, they referred to the theme of the show being inspirational and was good  fit for Sunday morning . 3 of the respondents liked the new time & 3 were indifferent as it works out fine for them either way.


  • 15 of the respondents were informed by their friends. i asked what intrigued them to listen and they said, because their friends insisted they listen to at least one show & decide, the comment of their friends included "life changing,  inspiring, uplifting, reflective"  which made them wonder, they were told they can learn something new. 2 of them accidentally tuned in and stayed. They said the reason they stayed was because they were learning something new.  3 of them saw the face book page and tuned in. They liked the ideas shared on the Facebook page & was curious.    


  • The listeners had different reason for listening. major reason include interesting & relate-able stories, needing help in their life to forgive made them want to learn how ,they liked the music selection and thought it had meaning,  they mentioned the vibe of the show is uplifting & inspiring & they liked how it made them feel about themselves.


  • Through the process of listening the show almost all the listeners went ahead and forgave someone in their life. As they heard stories of other people who let go of a very difficult hurt they felt inspired to do the same. Since starting to listen to the show they say they are more grateful and thankful for what is already present in their life & their relationship has improved. they also find it easy expressing their gratitude and they are seeing improvement in their emotional lives. Most of them mentioned the simplicity of the tools offered on the show made easy to apply in their lives


  • only one of the respondent sent a forgiveness letter to the show. the rest said they found it hard to write as the process of letting the hurt come up and surface isn't easy especially when it has been buried a long time.  They said they didn't want to air out their issue & wanted to keep it a secret, some of them found it easier to go ahead and tell the person because they realized it wasn't worth holding onto & the relationship was much more valuable. Some of them said they didn't know where to send the letter as they didn't hear the address mentioned on the show or couldn't find it on the website or Facebook.


  • 7 of the listeners have referred people to be thanked on the show. They said before hearing the show they never thought to openly thank their loved once and never saw the importance but the story they heard someone being honored encouraged them to do the same. The rest either have someone in mind or haven't thought of referring. When asked why they didn't act thus far because its not a habit they had before even though they can see the value.


  • All 20 of the respondents appreciate the show & some of the recommendation include, they want repetition and expansion of time, when they miss the show or unable to hear live they would like online streaming so to catch up at their on leisure,  once they heard a concept thy would like time with the guest face to face so they recommended events & workshops. They would like us to include topics on healthy life style, wellness, attitude, conflict resolution, being a visionary, finding purpose and other life skills themes.

Findings from personal interview of 10 board of advisers

  • All our board of advisors made commitment to listen to the show weekly and have seen progress in terms of depth & relevance of content, delivery quality, ease of interaction with listeners. They still are looking for improvement in terms of time slot & topic variety. They commented how the sound quality has improved and the depth of conversation with guests has been strong. The build up of concept every week has been good as well based on their comment but they are concerned if the listeners are following well. 


  • across the board they felt the show content was more towards inspiration & empowerment and need to add entertainment component to lighten it up .


  • They reflected on the topics. forgiveness especially requires a lot of inner work and doesn't come easily. They feel the team need to come up with a way to make the process easier & friendly. How can the listeners engage with the show more? is the question needing answer.


  • They suggested to strengthen methods of engagement such as sms, phone line, email, social media, website that already exist. To take feedback and promptly replay. They also comment on making a summery of the information collected from all of this streams and present it at the weekly meeting.


  • Listeners love gifts. They engage more on the phone or sms if there is a gift. it makes them active. The advisors indicated  to partner with companies who are willing to give free gifts as incentives for the listeners. To create a package of promotion for companies so it becomes a win win.


  • The advisors had a concern on when the listeners are  told to hand in their forgiveness letter how it would make them feel.  So they asked how do we insure listeners privacy & how do we make them feel it?


  • Our current office isn't conducive for a session with guests who would like to share their stories. The idea of creating a serene space for the listeners to go through the forgiveness process came up from some of the advisors.