Project Goal and Objectives
The overall goal of the project is to improve the livelihoods and health conditions of the leprosy affected and disabled households & other poor community members
- To improve the existing water, sanitation and hygienic and housing conditions of targeted community by end of the project
- To increase the integration of leprosy affected community with non-leprosy affected community / decrease discrimination
- To improve economic conditions of targeted poor people focusing on beggars and people with disabilities by the end of the project.
- To improve the education status of 360 targeted children between age ranges of 3-5 years by the end of the project.
- To improve the environmental sanitation and protection at one primary school in district 01 by the end of the project.
Project Implementation Strategies
It is participatory relying on good partnership paving the way towards creating active involvement of all community and other stakeholders to maximize benefits out of the community scarce resources and donor resources.The principle of SEED SCALE which is three-way partnership should be considered and the leading role will be given for community based institutions.
Therefore , community based institution seeks for the assurance that any development project should go through the following implementation phases called 4E’s (Entry, Establishment, Expansion/Scaling up, and Exit) to ensure the overall efficiency and effectiveness of projects towards achieving the desired goal.
Entry Phase
This is an initial phase of a project in which the CBIs set its foundation as a development organization and puts its picture in the eyes of stakeholders. The following major activities will be undertaken in this phase:
- Establishing office set up to start the project implementation process.
- Hire potential candidates to manage the project.
- Ensuring the presence of manuals, national guidelines.
- Designing project strategies such as project guidelines, annual plan, establishing monitoring and evaluation system.
- Conduct baseline survey and market feasibility studies based on proposed IGA schemes.
- Staff development aims at scaling up the capacity of staffs who will be directly implementing projects’ activity.
- Communication and networking: representation of the organization and create a conducive working environment with potential stakeholders in the project areas and beyond.
- Envisioning the vision, mission, goal, and objectives of the project to the government, non-government partners and beneficiaries.
- Creating linkage with stakeholders and working on designing joint program implementation guidelines.
- Identify the amount of community contribution for the success of the project (labour, cash, material)
Estabilishing Phase
- Phase By Phase Project’s Activity Implementation
Implementation of all the project activities will be done stage by stage with different components (described under project activities) in an integrated and wholistic manner towards achieving the set objectives.
- Sticking to legally signed project document
Project staff will abide with legally signed project document, respecting the beneficiaries and implementing the program in line with community priorities per local government policies; as well as use financial manuals and accepted principles in financial use and personnel management.
- Staff Development
Development of recruited staffs through short course and on the job trainings, experience sharing with other likeminded organizations
- Community participation
Communities will be involved in the election of community committee and volunteer community health education workers together with the target Woreda Administration offices.
- Regular Contact, Meetings with Potential Stakeholders,
CBI will maintain regular contacts with the target Woredas /beneficiaries & respective concerned local government bodies through the steering committees in order to share information and receive feedback on the progress of project implementation among the stakeholders. Moreover, the planned activities will be implemented by discussing and after getting the consent of respective potential stakeholders in the project area.
- Home Visit
Regular home visit of targeted beneficiaries will be deliberated by project social worker to empower them and closely follow up their progress.
- Family Based Development Schemes
Family based development schemes will be designed to make the poor families economically self reliant and self–supportive. This family development component of the project aims at forming sustainable community structure which initiates self-help projects and behavior changing education plays major role in avoiding dependency, ensure sustainability and as to bring long term development impacts; accordingly, activities like life and job skill trainings and IGAs will be given priority.
- Networking
Government counterparts, community-based organizations and other likeminded NGOs will be facilitated to bring joint effort from perspectives of sustainable project management.
Empowerment Phase
In this phase strategies will be reviewed where best practices will be considered to replicate or scaling up in the adjacent areas. The community will take over the activities without external support. Along with, the previous successful projects in the area will share its best practices with other NGOs’ and government partners to expand the initiatives. Due consideration will be given to innovation in major key intervention areas as per the findings.
Exit Phase
As it was intentionally designed the beneficiaries will be progressively equipped in all technical capacities to ensure the utilization and sustainability of all the facilities/services provided through training, availing the operational guide line etc. This will include the capacity building of the existing steering committee and integration with the project. Likewise, the institutional capacity will be built on beneficiaries’ associations at different levels. Further more equal emphasis will also be given for cost sharing interventions on continuous basis based on the types of the facilities to ensure sustainable management of the system. The project is designed by the community so they know how to manage in a sustainable way.
Expected outputs/results of the project
- No of sanitation facilities (access to 12 new and 18 rehabilitations of VIP latrines, 12 Public showers, 6water points, 6Km liquid waste disposal line, 12 low cost housing services and 15 solid waste collection and transportation trolleys ) provided for the targeted community in district 01.
- No of IGA schemes provide and established enabling environment for the poor people to be self-reliant through the use of vocational trainings, revolving fund and equipments.
- No of trainings and capacity buildings provided for the targeted community, CBI’s and other local partners.
- Built well furnished 1KG center and equipped with the desired materials to enroll 360 targeted children of age between 3-5 years.
- Improved sanitation facilities by constructing 1 VIP latrine with 8 seats and promote school greening at one primary school in district 01/Zenebework Community
- Net working and experience sharing among the target CBO.s, responsible government bodies in the area for sustainability management of the project.
- Put in place participatory monitoring and Evaluation system.
Project Activities
The main project activities are as follows;
Improved water, hygiene and sanitation and housing conditions
Working with the Government and its micro enterprises which will create job opportunity for the target community to:
- Construction of VIP latrines (12 blocks with 4 rooms)
- Reconstruction of VIP latrines (18 blocks with 4 rooms)
- Construction of Shower Block (12 shower blocks with 6 rooms
- Establish six water points (extensions from the main Addis supply);
- Construct of 1 block of eight seats VIP toilet at a primary school.
- Construct low cost housing for 12 households to the neediest lacking shelter
- Construction of Nursery School/KG (Disability friendly)
- Provision of 15 Solid Waste Collection Trolleys
- Provision of Hollow Concrete Block Tool/Moulds for Cooperative (5 moulds)
- Tools, seeds, water harvesting (school greening) - Using Rotto Plastic with a capacity of 5 meter cube, gutter and other accessories.
Improved economic conditions of targeted poor people focusing on beggars and people with disabilities
- Supply of food(120HH)quarterly basis
- Supply of school materials and fees for their children and youths on average 3 students /HH(360) quarterly basis
- Supply of moulds for locally organized groups in micro enterprise for production of Hollow Concrete Blocks /HCB (15)
- Revolving fund provision for organized disadvantage /disabled groups or households for creating feasible/market oriented job opportunity(HCB production, cattle/shoat rearing…etc)(120)
- Mobility/occupational therapy aids for 150 people (the majority who are involved in income generation activities)
Enhanced the capacity of all stakeholders on sustainable management of the project
- Half day Envisioning program to all stakeholders(government officials, CBOs’, ENAPAL, Leprosy affected beneficiary groups, ALVRA and Faith Based Organization (30)
- Three days Sensitization training on WASH and against stigma and discrimination issues for (CBO leaders, Faith based institutions representatives, school representatives, community development agents and Health Extension workers)(40)
- Five days TOT training for the newly recruited project staffs (3 Community Development Workers ,1 Senior Livelihood Specialist, 1 Environmental Health Specialist, 1Accountant , 1Construction Supervisor and 1Nurse)
- Providing 3 days IGA training on entrepreneurships for leprosy affected youths, disadvantaged groups, CBOs,…etc(120)
- Networking and linkage with likeminded NGOs’, GO’s and other partners and facilitating easy access of referral system for Leprosy affected persons and other disabled community members ( Experience sharing in search of support for leprosy affected people )
- House-to-house training by 3 social workers in collaboration with local health office and the supervising nurse oversees operations
- Capacity buildings of partners (government officials, project staff, CBO members, faith based organizations …etc based on performance gap assessment)for 3 days(60)
- Training on psychosocial service (Counseling, peace education….etc) for (CBO leaders, Faith based institutions representatives, school representatives, community development agents and Health Extension workers) for 3days(50)
- Production of IEC materials
Improved the education status of 360 targeted children between age ranges of 3—5 years
- Equipped the KG center with outdoor games, materials…etc and bring conducive atmosphere for the children
- School Health Groups and Community Health Campaigns
- Establishing women’s self help groups to enable women to work together to address common issues