Practicum, Integrated livelihood and slum development in Zenebework Community, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Integrated livelihood and slum development in Zenebework Community, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaThis page is part of the collection 'Practicum, Integrated livelihood and slum development in Zenebework Community, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia'.
All stakeholders do have their own pivotal roles to play. Acoordingly the government offices always provide technical support whenever the demand a raise at all levels and play roles in coordinating the poeple, monitoring and evaluation and giving legal personalities to the different committes and user groups like steering committes, IGA groups, users’ community committees …etc. The community participates starting from the time of project need assessment upto ensuring sustainability. CBOs’ and the various religion instituions are also among the main partners who will be involved in the different committees and give care and support to those needy people. Furthermore particularly in the service delivery or for the infrastructures the local communities always contribute start up money from the prespectives of developing sense of owner ship and sustainability of the system.
Primary stakeholders
The local Leprosy Affected People, other marginalized poor community and different social organization like, and CBOs. It will give special consideration for women andchildren
Participate in beneficiary selection & screening.
Facilitate the integration of service delivery to the beneficiaries as per to the project document.
Participate in project planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation of the project activities.
Be active members of the various community committees like User and Steering Committees.
Secondary stakeholders
Local district administration Office(district 01)
Mobilize and organize beneficiaries for successful project implementation·
participation in site selection process for the construction of the proposed infrastructures·
Strictly follow up the project activities through health extension workers & design and supervision officers·
Provide guidelines for proper utilization of facilities in collaboration with the NGO·
Follow up with the proper functioning and management of the facilities
Local government sectors
Appraisal of the project proposal and forward the comments on it.
The signing of the project agreement.
Supervise the project activities.
Provide technical support for proper utilization of resources.
Follow up with the proper functioning and management of the WASH facilities
Mobilize and organize beneficiaries for successful project implementation.
Participation in site selection process for the construction of WASH facilities
Mediate and provide the necessary support if the conflict arises.
Conduct monitoring, midterm and terminal evaluation of the project with the concerned and give necessary feedback on it.
Assign experienced teachers for the KG center and keep its sustainability through the office of education
Implmenter CBI
Develop project proposal.
Solicit fund.
Make an agreement with Government bodies and Donors.
Prepare development strategy.
Administer the project and avail quality services as per the project document.
Participate in beneficiary and site selection process.
Produce IEC materials and empower communities in collaboration with the local government sector offices.· Coordinating and facilitating capacity building
Prepare annual plans, reports and submit to signatories and donors.
Conduct M&E works.
Avail the stated amount of project budget for the implementation of project’s activities attainment Of set objectives.
Follow up implementation of project activities.
Receiving reports on regular basis and give feedback.
Updated on 11 January 2018, 6:15; 428 page visits from 11 January 2018 to 11 October 2023